
About Us

Why WiseEd?

We're transforming the way students learn and consume school content. Our team of teachers and programmers have developed a learning platform that will help students with their daily school work. It is very important to us that students have fun while learning with our platform.

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High schools provide students with a lot of knowledge, but due to large groups and the need to complete the entire curriculum in a limited amount of time, many students find themselves in an uncomfortable situation where they are unable to catch up on missed work. The WiseEd team ensures better grades, a new sense of self-confidence, and most importantly, a love of learning!

Our goal is to support students in their learning wherever and whenever they want. We offer 'on demand' content for English, German, and Math subjects. Students can access and use short video explanations of the theory, practical webinars, notes, exercises, and much more at any time.

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hello@wise-ed.de+49 173 6199046